Each person must have longed for has white teeth, healthy, and strong. Dentistry is not just a role to help us maintain the overall health of the body through the digestive process. Teeth play an important role in supporting the person's appearance.Not surprisingly, people are willing to beautify the teeth with all the efforts that can be done. Uneven teeth treated with braces to be more beautiful smile. Teeth that are yellow will also desperately bleached in beauty clinics or by using a variety of existing teeth whitener.Even those of you who are willing to grow diamonds in his teeth. For what? For a charming smile. And for all those people and are willing to spend millions to hundreds of millions.Is this for you knowing that your teeth so valuable? So precious teeth, then your teeth naturally preserved and cared for so as not to damage or lose its beauty.Most of us realize 'price' of a gear tooth when it is damaged. And finally 'forced' you need a relatively expensive funds to make improvements.As the saying goes better to prevent than to cure, before already broken, we need tips and how to care for their teeth. By doing so, we will remain beautiful teeth, white, healthy and strong. You did not have to undergo very painful tooth.Dental Care Tips and How toSo how do I take care of their teeth? Here are tips and how to care for teeth that we can try to apply from now on in order to maintain dental health and beauty.Daily Dental Care
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with the techniques of brushing their teeth.
Choose the right toothbrush
Replace your toothbrush 3 months or when the bristles begin to break down.
Do not forget to clean the tongue because the tongue is a favorite spot of bad breath causing bacteria congregate
Use toothpaste berflouride to prevent your teeth cavities
Use a mouthwash that does not use dyesDental Care Related to Consumption of Food Or Drink:
Avoid sugary foods it can make teeth broken and rotten
Consumption of fruit that can stimulate saliva such as apples, pears or strawberries
Increase consumption of green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain minerals that are very useful for dental health.
Drink plenty of water.
Consumption of foods that contain calcium, such as cheese, milk, anchovies, and egg.
Reduce consumption of beverages that can change the color of the teeth such as soft drinks, tea, coffee or other colored beverages.
Reduce or avoid smoking because it can make teeth dull
Avoid the use of drugs.Care to Dentist:
Check every 6 months to the dentistHighly recommended to go to the dentist to check and control the health of your teeth because it's basically day-to-day is not enough. With regular check to the dentist, dental-related problems can be caught early.
Diligent care when dental problemsIf the doctor told me that dental problems that require extra care, you should comply with the schedule of dental care is given to the problem is getting worse and could be resolved soon.Avoid Events / Activities That Can Damage Teeth:
Should not consume food or beverages with extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold) because it can damage the enamel.
Do not break the grains hard with teeth because it will break even break teeth.
Do not open the bottle with your teeth or do the bump too hard on your teeth.How to Whiten TeethThere are many ways you can do to whiten teeth that have changed color due to various causes, can be a natural way and the modern way. Well, one of the quickest ways to get your teeth bright white color with a safe and comfortable is to use teeth whitener whitelight.Teeth whitening products have been very popular in Europe as a drug of instant teeth whitening white teeth can give permanent results with the use of only 10-15 minutes every day. With its Blue Light technology, WhiteLight is giving you the opportunity to have clean white teeth only with a low cost and a very convenient way.
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with the techniques of brushing their teeth.
Choose the right toothbrush
Replace your toothbrush 3 months or when the bristles begin to break down.
Do not forget to clean the tongue because the tongue is a favorite spot of bad breath causing bacteria congregate
Use toothpaste berflouride to prevent your teeth cavities
Use a mouthwash that does not use dyesDental Care Related to Consumption of Food Or Drink:
Avoid sugary foods it can make teeth broken and rotten
Consumption of fruit that can stimulate saliva such as apples, pears or strawberries
Increase consumption of green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain minerals that are very useful for dental health.
Drink plenty of water.
Consumption of foods that contain calcium, such as cheese, milk, anchovies, and egg.
Reduce consumption of beverages that can change the color of the teeth such as soft drinks, tea, coffee or other colored beverages.
Reduce or avoid smoking because it can make teeth dull
Avoid the use of drugs.Care to Dentist:
Check every 6 months to the dentistHighly recommended to go to the dentist to check and control the health of your teeth because it's basically day-to-day is not enough. With regular check to the dentist, dental-related problems can be caught early.
Diligent care when dental problemsIf the doctor told me that dental problems that require extra care, you should comply with the schedule of dental care is given to the problem is getting worse and could be resolved soon.Avoid Events / Activities That Can Damage Teeth:
Should not consume food or beverages with extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold) because it can damage the enamel.
Do not break the grains hard with teeth because it will break even break teeth.
Do not open the bottle with your teeth or do the bump too hard on your teeth.How to Whiten TeethThere are many ways you can do to whiten teeth that have changed color due to various causes, can be a natural way and the modern way. Well, one of the quickest ways to get your teeth bright white color with a safe and comfortable is to use teeth whitener whitelight.Teeth whitening products have been very popular in Europe as a drug of instant teeth whitening white teeth can give permanent results with the use of only 10-15 minutes every day. With its Blue Light technology, WhiteLight is giving you the opportunity to have clean white teeth only with a low cost and a very convenient way.